Here is the story of a young Ghanaian man who used the Perpetual Education Fund (what is it?) to finish a degree in accounting.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland visited Liberia, Ghana, and Sierra Leone in the last two weeks. He has been overseeing the African areas of the Church for the last five years, if I read the article right. He was most impressed by the spiritual and operational maturity of the members. Nearly all are first-generation members (converts rather than children of converts), and yet in the 30 years the Church has been active in west Africa he has seen how far these members have come in assimilating the patterns of Church governance and spiritual growth. He also talked about his hope for their future:
For me, the PEF program bears witness of a living prophet who reveals the will of a living Father who knows and is mindful of the needs of His children. This program has been a blessing that has helped me fulfill my dream of getting a higher education.