In 2005 I came up with the following parody of "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas," using the teachings of King Benjamin from Mosiah chapters 2-4 in the Book of Mormon.

Don’t you trifle with the words that I’m going to say.
Jesus Christ is coming soon, so my countrymen,
Choose this day whom you will serve and be born again.
“I have served my whole life through that you might be
When you serve your fellow man, alone then you serve God.
And if I, your chosen king, have labored to serve you,
Ought ye not to do the same: serve each other too?
“Oh what thanks we all should give to our Heavn’ly King!
Though we serve Him, we are just unprofitable things.
First off, He created us.
We are in His debt.
Then we serve, He blesses us, and we aren’t out yet.

“When the clock was striking twelve, I was fast asleep.
There appeared an angel bright, and my heart did leap.
He gave me a message clear, and I know ‘tis true:
Jesus is the only way salvation comes to you.
“We must be little kids, and be easily taught;
For you know the nat’ral man’s an enemy to God.
Yield unto the Holy Ghost, put off the nat’ral man,
Trust in God, be humble too; with His help you can.
“If you’ve felt to sing the song of redeeming love
Keep in mind how great and wise is the Lord above,
Then, my friends, you will retain remission of your sin
And you will teach holy things to your children.
“Last of all, please watch yourselves, your thoughts and
words and deeds.
Do not let your brothers beg – answer all their needs.
See that ye do all these things in order and wisdom,
Then one day you will return to God’s great kingdom.”

This is really fun. Thank you for your creativity!