been a regular reader, Superstar lives up to his name. He is a wizard mathematically - he passed 9th grade math before 6th grade even started and just this week passed off 8th grade math for good measure*. His usual goal in school is to get 100% on everything.
His mother and I have been feeling that we needed to have him advance a year. Joy has also had a great desire since before we met to homeschool her children, though the realities of what-all that entails and the needs of various children have precluded that so far. So we thought and prayed and counseled with Superstar for a long time, and finally came up with a plan that works for everyone.
Superstar will not be attending Junior High at all. He (and each of the kids) will get homeschooled during those horrible, miserable years. In his case, 7th grade will be done via an online Texas public school. At the same time, he has been and will be studying 8th grade classes also. By the end of the next school year, he will have completed 7th and 8th grade and be ready to enter high school.
To do that, he needs to test out of 8th grade math, English, social studies (American history), and science. He just passed off 8th grade math. This summer we're studying American history. During the fall semester he will take 7th grade and 8th grade science. During the spring term he will have 7th grade and 8th grade English.
That's the plan anyway. We are confident not only that he can do it, but that it's important for him to. He has some great potential and needs to be about his work. Since the school system around here shuffles kids into different classes every year anyway, he has to make a whole new set of friends every year anyway.
And then there's COVID that has helped us practice schooling from home. And it's worked really well. Oh, and there was the summer that I was working (from home), Joy and the other kids were in Utah caring for her mother, and Superstar was semi-alone in the house demonstrating that he could follow a schedule and grow independently. So I have every confidence that he'll be able to pull this off.
* - We hadn't realized that passing 9th grade math didn't also automatically give you a pass for 6, 7, and 8. Drat!
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