Our microwave broke down a couple weeks ago while my parents were visiting for Christmas. We hurried off to the store to order a new one, but it won't arrive until this Friday. So we've been reheating food in the oven, toaster, or stove top for - almost like our pioneer forefathers. ;)

We have this saying that we still use. When the lights go out, it reminds us of the 'privations' we had in Nigeria - specifically the routine power outages 3-5 times a day. We turn to each other and say, "Welcome to Nigeria!"
Joy has commented twice now that we can't even say that. In Nigeria, AUN supplied us with a microwave. And though the electricity would shut off regularly, and sometimes for a few hours at a time, we were never days on end without a microwave to complement our stove and oven. She says: "Isn't it funny to feel like there could come a day when we feel how spoiled we were in Nigeria" compared to the US?
We were always aware of how good we had it in Nigeria compared to other Nigerians, and regular contact with other friends living abroad helped us recognize how pampered we were by our institution compared to theirs. But it's one of the very few times that we have felt better off in Nigeria than here. "Ode to having a new microwave by Friday!" quothe the Joy.

We have this saying that we still use. When the lights go out, it reminds us of the 'privations' we had in Nigeria - specifically the routine power outages 3-5 times a day. We turn to each other and say, "Welcome to Nigeria!"
Joy has commented twice now that we can't even say that. In Nigeria, AUN supplied us with a microwave. And though the electricity would shut off regularly, and sometimes for a few hours at a time, we were never days on end without a microwave to complement our stove and oven. She says: "Isn't it funny to feel like there could come a day when we feel how spoiled we were in Nigeria" compared to the US?
We were always aware of how good we had it in Nigeria compared to other Nigerians, and regular contact with other friends living abroad helped us recognize how pampered we were by our institution compared to theirs. But it's one of the very few times that we have felt better off in Nigeria than here. "Ode to having a new microwave by Friday!" quothe the Joy.