Sunday, September 2, 2018

John-Thomas and the noodle nose

I've mentioned that John-Thomas needed to have a procedure done where they inserted a probe down his nose to scope out his intestines and find out what's going on. That was in late June.

I drove him up to the Cook's Children Hospital in Dallas. He took a teddy bear and a Sonic Underground CD for comfort.

They had a TV on with some cartoons. Gotta say, the cartoons they make today are weird and ugly. While I can appreciate the weirdness, the ugly was quite off-putting. He got bored with them quickly.

Finally they gave him the "giggle juice" and wheeled him away. The doc spoke to me eventually and said everything had gone perfectly and they found nothing unusual yet.

30-60 minutes later he woke up.

He was not terribly happy to be awake. Groggy and disoriented, he was very upset that his arms were in these two sleeves that stopped him from taking the noodle out. He got a yummy popsicle to eat and then we went to IHOP to try feeding him something before our long drive home.

Folks at IHOP were understanding. JT got to watch some 1960s Spiderman as a distraction, but Sonic Underground int he car was Much preferred.

Poor little guy got all the cuddles and snuggles he wanted, watched TV all day, and was loved and comforted in any way possible.

He finally fell asleep and stayed down the whole night. The next morning, we got to take the noodle out and I delivered it back to Cook's the next morning first thing.

They didn't find any major acidity problems, certainly nothing connected to his eating times. So that's when and why the doctor told us it was time to take all the deliciousness dairy out of his diet. He's done remarkably well like that so far.

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