Monday, February 4, 2019


As newlyweds, I told Joy I wanted to celebrate every day of our marriage. We kept count of every single one of them on our calendar and reminded each other of how many days we had been married. Then it was every 10 days. Then every 25. Or 100.

Well, it's TIME for a milestone. Joy and I have officially been married for 5,000 days (that's slightly over 13 and 2/3 years).

You found what???
To celebrate, I picked up some flowers after dropping Superstar off at school, and surprised Joy with ... a new, unopened board game of ... WIZARDS!

Wizards came out in 1982 and was one of my favorite board games growing up. The players apprentice themselves to wizards, druids, or sorcerers and go around doing good deeds to thwart evil and eventually gain enough trust of the various factions to unite the holy crystals, unmask the (random) ancient wizard who has turned to evil, and Save the World before it Falls into Darkness. It's complex, high replayability, epic fantasy with magic and elves and unicorns against demons and dragons and all that good stuff.

I can't believe it!
Shortly after my brother and I got married, we had a conversation about who would inherit a few things we were both interested in and we agreed that he would get Wizards while I got Advanced Civilization. After the conversation, Joy told me she was sad about that decision, so I have had it in my heart for a dozen years to find our own copy. Well, ebay came through!

Happy 5000 Days of Happily Ever After!
And since we were sealed in the San Diego Temple approximately just about ... NOW, that means we have also been married for 120,000 hours, 7.2 million minutes, and at some point today 432 million seconds.
10-13 years ago

(For anyone vaguely curious, we will hit 6000 days on Halloween, 2021. See you then!)

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