Sunday, August 26, 2012

Blessing of Health by Airplane

Hi Everyone,
We are back in Nigeria. I had a wonderful time visiting my husband's family. Thank you, mom, Pop, Steve, Emilee and little girl for the great time! We will miss you and we are sorry we missed my family too.

I was having a very hard time with my allergies the last 2 weeks or so before we left the United States. I even received an answer to pray about how to best take care of myself when my allergies are acting up. Prince has been very concerned about anyone in our family that is sick. He is very good  at following up to find out how we are doing later. When we got to Nigeria, Prince asked me if I was feeling better. I was not feeling good again, in fact I was feeling worse (my eyes were all swollen and I couldn’t breath through my nose at all).

Prince asking me helped me see a blessing. I realized that most of our trip out here I was feeling better and that it had not hit me full force again until after all of the travel was over and we were home so that I could take care of myself again. My answer to Prince was that I was not feeling very good, but I had a blessing from Heavenly Father that helped me to feel good for our plane trips. I'm blessed not only for that but also for the opportunity to share my experience with my son of the spirit working in my life. I also remembered that I was granted the strength for our journey from my father’s blessing and I am grateful for all the evidences to me that God watches over us even in this land so far away from our family.

We are well and love you all,

1 comment:

  1. Joy, I'm glad you did better for the plane rides. I'm so, so sorry that you are struggling with your allergies right now. I wish I could do something for you. I love you and pray for you often. I hope you find relief soon!
