Sunday, November 13, 2016

Rhino and Lion: Right up to the car!

We drove into the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve in South Africa and wound our way across the bumpy roads. It's part of the Cradle of Humankind, a UNESCO world heritage site.

R&L is halfway between a zoo and a nature preserve. There are still enclosures that keep the predators separate from the prey, but otherwise it's just one big open expanse. Our guide mentioned that if they didn't separate the predators, all the prey would hide along the edges of the reserve.

The great thing about the reserve is that they set up watering holes and feeding spots right next to the road. Large groups of animals congregate where it is easy to film them.

So before our tour even began, we saw zebras, sprinbok, rhinos, ostriches, boars, and more right next to the road. ... and sometimes on it!

The kids in the tour truck

On our way out, we saw a giraffe too.

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