Sunday, April 15, 2018

Someone had a birthday - Superstar

Superstar turned 10 years old in March. His birthday was very much a football affair. The table was a football field, the ice cream cake was a football field, and his favorite presents included two new footballs, two pairs of football gloves, an electronic football board game with two teams to go with them (Packers and Cowboys). That Friday he had a couple friends over to help him through the pigskin around. Saturday we had fun as a family. Sunday he asked that we save one more present for him to open. (In case anyone was wondering, the reason he opted to have one cast orange and one cast white is for the Texas Longhorns.)

Before breaking his right wrist just a week later, he was talking about his future career in the NFL.

He has also enjoyed a multi-shooting nerf gun, a Land of Stories book on CD, a set of Five Crowns cards, and a few other presents that escape me while I try to get to bed. I'll have to ask Superstar another time if there's anything else he wants to add. Sorry it's late showing up.

Joy agrees that having friends over was the best part of his birthday.

Actually, the Five Crowns story is mildly interesting (very mild). We don't do face cards, so he has had to use Wackee Six cards to make a deck of Five Crowns. We bought him a set of Five Crowns Jr, which has no face cards, only to discover it's not quite the same game. Phooey. (I mean, the Jr is fun enough, but it isn't what he wanted). So we bought three sets of Rook cards. The first two sets give us four colors, doubled up of cards labeled 3-13; the third set Joy and Superstar recolored using markers to give us a fifth color. So now we have a proper set of Five Crowns cards, which he enjoys having very much.

Speaking of card games, Mom, you might like to hear that he was playing with your Lehi's Dream cards today.

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