Saturday, March 14, 2020

Superstar turned 12

One of the nice coincidences of each year is that spring break coincides with our eldest's birthday, so we all get plenty of time off to enjoy it.

This was a birthday even I had been looking forward to for a long time. 12 was a pretty major milestone in our church because it's when a young man graduates from the children's primary organization and receives the Aaronic priesthood. They begin their first steps in a life of covenant service to God and others.
Except that changed last year with the announcement that 'graduation' would happen in January of the year young men and women turn 12, rather than on their birthday. Superstar received the priesthood at the beginning of January and we went to the temple with his grandparents two days later. It was wonderful! For my part, though, that left this week feeling a little less dramatic.

Still, a good time was had by all. Superstar's theme this year was the Olympics. We had Olympic rings out on the front lawn, I hung up these Olympic streamers, and in his two birthday parties (one with two school friends on Tuesday and one with two church friends on Wednesday) they played a bunch of sports and sports-related video games. A lot of the presents were sports-related as well: a tennis racket, two different kinds of basketball hoops that hang from door frames, an automatic pitching machine, a chocolate football.... He also got some board/card games, a Tacocat shirt, and a book of card tricks for some variety.

He was very eager for the big event, planned everything himself, and even made the decorative bronze and silver medals. He, representing Japan, won the Olympics overall with 2 gold and 2 silver medals.

Superstar was entertained by the fact that most of the presents were in gold wrapping paper, while some were in silver. And by silver, I mean aluminum foil. I actually really liked wrapping things in foil and may have to that more often - it holds its shape without tape. Plus, it's highly reusable, assuming the opener doesn't tear it into tiny pieces on the way in.

We had cheesy noodles for dinner one night, grilled two-cheese sandwiches with clam chowder another, and all you can eat pizza on the main night - our primary excursion outside of social distancing. Superstar also asked if we could please go one day without mentioning the word Caronavirus. So now the dread topic on everyone's lips is called "that which shall not be named" or "Voldemort" for short.

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