Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Kids on our COVID-19 experience, week 2

John-Thomas - COVID bad. Bad bad COVID. I like staying home, but I don't like that Matthew can't come over because my birthday is coming soon.

Princess - I like General Conference, even though people might not be able to come to the place.

[For our home school experience, the kids have three groups of things they need to do. 1 - They get ready for the day with the usual things they need to do anyway. 2 - They have their school subjects. 3 - They have additional school subjects that we want them to learn, like Duolingo and more advanced math for the older kids. They can choose when they do each subject within each group for the most part.]

Superstar - I have my school stuff to do and a couple hours of 8th grade algebra, which is frustrating.

Princess - I like to do more art, more preparation for [JT's] birthday

Superstar - During recess I don't get to play football with my friends.

Princess - I miss my classmates and my teacher.

JT - School is more exciting. The fun yesterday was more exciting. I almost beated the level on Wii and the movie was fun too. Movie movie movie!

Superstar - I like being able to choose what subject comes next. I sometimes get to play Wii at school once I finish everything. We get to do Zooms - it's a face to face online video chat you can have with other people. Sometimes we have zooms with the entire class and sometimes it was 3 people. In Zoom I like how you get to share anything on your ipad on your screen so that everybody can see it and you can make yourself have a virtual background. So if I'm standing at a green background it looks like I'm at the beach. [I asked him what's good about in-person classes.] There are a lot of good things about Zoom.

Princess - I like the new clothes I've been getting. Two people brought me pretty new clothes. I get more me time, quiet time, reading time. I like almost everything about homeschool, except when I'm on the Disney dance pad, I can't sit down.

JT - I like Disney dance cause I get the gold star!

Superstar - At least this happened before we got to track, cause I didn't want to do track.

Princess - I like science. I tried an experiment from my teacher. So you put some water in one cup, about half full, and put water in another cup about half full, and then you put a lot of salt in one and then you don't put any salt in the other. I dropped an egg in each and in one it floated and one it sank. Then I put the egg in the one that floated and put the water from the one that sank on top, and the egg floated in between the two waters!

Superstar - I've shared a google doc with some of my friends so I can talk to them through the google doc. But the google doc, it doesn't give you a notification when someone says something. Google classroom and share it with your class, everyone in the class can see it and there's a notification. But then you can have a small chat with someone in Zoom that gives notifications as well.


JT - Church is yummy. Because of the homemade bread. Feels like I'm eating the house!

Princess - One thing I like about home church is that I'm only talking to 5 people when I bear my talk so it's not as scary as usual when I bear it normal church.

Superstar - I don't really like revisiting Primary because I'm the only young man. But I kind of like that they are letting me teach, which kind of brings it back up again. I also like that I get to pass the sacrament to my family every Sunday. I'm not looking forward to that ending. It's interesting that Dad gives the sacrament tray to me, and then I hand it to him because he's the presiding person. He hands it to me and then I hand it to him, and then I pass to everyone else. It's kind of cozy. And we have rocking chairs! So I get to sit in a rocking chair the entire time. Pretty cool.

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