Sunday, December 4, 2011

Baby Fashion Model

Joy and I have discovered the joys of having given birth to a little doll. She's so much fun to dress up! We opted to skip one of Princess' clothing sizes (9 months) and so she's moving up between 6 month and 12 month clothes. At the same time, Joy is going on a camera kick to enjoy all these wonderful dresses that just look so darling on our little one.

 This is a rare shot. She doesn't usually want her binkie, and she doesn't suck her thumb much anymore. We are her pacifier.
We are predicting having a crawler within the month. She is already able to push herself backwards a little.

 A friend has a child who is outgrowing some of their items, so she brought them over for us. We now have a booster chair and a new baby carrier that will let Princess face inwards so Joy can actually get some dishes done without her kicking away from the sink, and this cute little device to let her sit up at the table with us.


  1. Tee-hee! She is just SO adorable!

    I love the chair thing. I've never seen those before.

    That's awesome that she's getting ready to crawl. I don't think William is close, but it's probably my fault. I hate sticking him on the floor because it is so gross (especially the moth-ridden living room).

  2. Hope that you are enjoying the holiday season. We were over at moms and talking about everyone that was out and about. We all love you guys tons and really enjoyed seeing these new cute pictures. Porche just turned 10 and is excited because she is in double digits! She is in 4th grade and she has the best teacher in the world. She just went skiing for the 1st time with her class. Tesa will go to her 1st stake dance at the new year! She just finished an orchestra concert and her recital that she plays with Grandma. She is hoping to try out for the Freshman Volleyball team and Dance Company as she begins high school next year. Ari counted down that he has 10 more sundays before he turns 16! He was in a play as one of the romantic leads and fell in love with his costar! She's a senior - funny. She is great and they are both waiting with baited breath for him to turn so that they can go on a real date. Rich got a job as a science project teacher in a charter school. Laurel is still working to tame the wild paper work at Harmony Home Health! Love you guys. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
